Slow Friday Afternoon
Last week I mentioned that Eric and I went to the Taste of Universal event. Here’s the video proof on Eric’s channel, “Deep Dive Disney” … as the kids say, like and subscribe!
I hope you had a good week. As of tomorrow I’ll be 2nd shot + two weeks and ready to engage with the real world again. I see a lot of light at the end of this tunnel, and I feel hopeful for you too. In conversation with a friend yesterday I realized the fundamental shift is that I now feel more protected from other people’s bad decisions. If someone else spent five hours indoors with a stranger and then I hang out with them, I have a very good chance of coming out of the situation okay.
I mean, here’s how good I’m feeling: I’m thinking about re-activating my AMC A-List membership, particularly when I’m in…
That’s right. I’ll be in Fort Worth, Austin, and Houston in late April and early May. I’m traveling to Fort Worth to help canvass (not sure where there are two S’s there) for Jana Sanchez. She’s a Democrat running for the TX-6 open seat in the House of Representatives that we are trying to flip from red to blue. I’d love to meet you there! I have no idea why, but this race is getting zero attention from anyone… even my friends in Dallas had no idea it was going on. They’re having a special election on May 1 and no one is talking about it! Well, I am. I’ll be there the week of April 26 and doing various doorknocking activities and lending what small fame I have to the cause. If you want to meet me and volunteer, sign up at this Mobilize link for the first event on Wednesday April 28. I’ll be driving through Austin to Houston after the election to hang out with friends and family. Say hi if I’m on your route!
Kitten update: We located the kittens on the side of the house, in an abandoned plastic litter tub. My neighbor texted me that she saw them and had put down towels for them to stay warm. Within two hours the mama cat had started moving them already. We monitored the situation and by the end of the day the tub was empty (I caught her on video transferring one of them, I’ll post that next week). For now we think that they have moved under the house, but location is unverified.
Recommended: This short story by RA Lafferty is lovely, strange, and prescient. If anything I actually think this is a little more optimistic about our current situation that I might be, in that there’s a hopefulness to the cycle of rebirth that everyone has access to.
Have a good day!
This newsletter is going to be free for all of 2021. Next year I hope to add some paid features but it won’t be for a long time! Right now is the part where the drug dealer is giving you the product for free. But not many drug dealers give you 8 months of drugs and then potentially ask you to pay a small price. What I’m saying is that as drug dealers go I’m one of the most generous. But also, if you want to help me with my project, the best thing you can do is just forward this to your friends and encourage them to subscribe. That and buy my drugs please.