I'm Happy to be Wrong! (sort of)
Oh I guess I could have just kept up with my CNN, but just as my last newsletter went out, what the heck do you know but gun legislation actually was passed by both houses and signed by President Biden. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act is now law. Is this one of those things where I just say the wrong thing and the opposite thing happens? In that case:
I will never win the PowerBall
I will never dunk a basketball
I will never be at Bruce Lee’s grave and he jumps out of it, says “I’ve been alive this whole time”, winks at me and runs off to get a donut in Seattle at Top Pot
Let me be more wrong, because the new legislation is a good first step, it brings a decades-long logjam, but to be honest it is a very small first step. I’m happy that they have tagged on some money for mental health resources, but as far as actual gun control here’s what it does:
For prospective gun purchasers from 18-21, it expands what databases can be used for background checks
Anyone convicted of a domestic violence felony or misdemeanor cannot purchase a gun for five years
Provides money for states to implement “red flag” laws, allowing police to confiscate guns from people that courts consider a danger to themselves and others, but it does not require these laws and states can take the money and use it for other things
The domestic violence piece I think is the biggest step here. I’m glad my prediction was immediately disproved and hope Congress continues to make me look dumb.